Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on My Life
Reflection paper In a world where people are murdering, stealing and harming each other, it’s hard to find the good in people now a days. The people who are doing these behaviors need help. That’s where I step in hopefully when I am certified to be a counselor. I think that people are generally created innately good and then go create their own nature. I could prove this by just want I learn about God in all my religion classes. â€Å"GOD DOESN’T MAKE GARBAGE†. Now some of us have it better than other, which can really hurt our chances to do well in this world. If you where born a thug, in a bad neighborhood and then hung out all with a bad crowd, chances are you will become a bad person. That why these kids or adults need direction in the right way. This is an important knowledge to have when you are trying to get in to counseling. If you don’t have hope for these people then I wouldn’t think you would make too much of a change to the world or you clients. I think when you are sitting down looking at your client you need to have in back of your mind; this is a good person, who just made some mistakes. I think it is imperative that you need a view people like when you are helping. No matter how impossible it seems, I think everyone can change his/her own way of thinking, it just takes a lot of time and tears sometimes. God created this human being for good not bad, that what were here to help them find out. Also I know some people don’t like Catholicism with their counseling, but I think you need to have some kind of faith in your background if you are going too help other or at least a good judgment of moral good. Having a good moral judgment means you have values in your life. Values are beliefs you have in life that are worth a lot to you. For example, I value life more than anything in this world. I think murder and suicide is terrible. We are built on this world for life, when someone takes that a way; I think t... Free Essays on My Life Free Essays on My Life I work at a place called Kid Zone. Kid Zone is a children’s party place. At Kid Zone I am a floor girl. A floor girl’s job is very easy, but it can wear you out. There are two floor girls to an average party. Once the party starts, one girl stands by the door, greets the guests, and takes the shoes, jacket, and gifts of the guests. Then gives the children a nametag. The other floor girl stands on the mats and keeps the children who have already arrived, under control. About fifteen minutes into the party, we start with some games. Usually hot potato, limbo, and musical chairs. By this time the pizza should have arrived. We then serve the adults and children their food and a beverage. When everyone is finished eating, one girl cleans off the tables while the other girl plays freeze dance. Everyone who plays wins a prize. After freeze dance, the character of choice will come out and perform three dances with the children. The character then sings happy birthday and leaves while the girls serve the cake. The girls then have about fifteen minutes to play another game, usually potato sack races, and start cleaning for the next party. â€Å"It is not a hard job, but organization skills are very important in throwing a smooth flowing party.†quotes Christina Messina, a hostess at Kid Zone. This is necessary because you have a set amount of things that have to be done in a certain amount of time. Also I believe patience is another quality you must possess to do this job. Patience according to the Webster’s Dictionary is defined as demonstrating uncomplaining endurance under distress. You have to be very patient. Working with loud, out of control children all day can be very stressful. You have to deal with children not listening to the rules, fighting, climbing on ropes and walls, throwing toys and balls from the ball pit. When you are dressed up as a character, the pull your tail or your ears, try to unzip the back of the ... Free Essays on My Life My intention was to study art from my country El Salvador. El Salvador is located in Central America. As I did my research, I found out that we belonged to the Pre-Columbian Times and from there we derived with new material. Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture, the art and architecture of the indigenous civilizations of Mesoamerica and the Andes and of neighboring cultures before the 16th century AD. For 3000 years before the European exploration and colonization of the western hemisphere, the Native Americans of Latin America developed civilizations that showed the artistic and intellectual accomplishments of ancient China, India, Mesopotamia, and the Mediterranean world. The quality of these accomplishments is even more impressive because much of the essential technology of eastern hemisphere civilizations was unknown to the Native American. The elaborate sculptures and intricate jade ornaments of the Maya, therefore, were accomplished by carving stone with stone. The Maya, a Native American people of Mexico and the northern part of Central America, produced intricate relief carvings (sculpture in which the figures project from a background surface). Maya sculpture frequently depicted rulers and gave dates and other information about these rulers. Sculpture and other art forms were also used to record important events and to portray deities and their activities. Pre-Columbian cultures are grouped according to general geographic area. The Mesoamerican Area, a major cultural region, includes the present countries of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Peru and Bolivia make up the Central Andean Area, the other major cultural region. Constituting the Intermediate Area are the lower Central America and the northern South American nations of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. The Peripheral Area compri ses the rest of South America, as well as the Caribbean islands. Although these areas were initially regarde... Free Essays on My Life Reflection paper In a world where people are murdering, stealing and harming each other, it’s hard to find the good in people now a days. The people who are doing these behaviors need help. That’s where I step in hopefully when I am certified to be a counselor. I think that people are generally created innately good and then go create their own nature. I could prove this by just want I learn about God in all my religion classes. â€Å"GOD DOESN’T MAKE GARBAGE†. Now some of us have it better than other, which can really hurt our chances to do well in this world. If you where born a thug, in a bad neighborhood and then hung out all with a bad crowd, chances are you will become a bad person. That why these kids or adults need direction in the right way. This is an important knowledge to have when you are trying to get in to counseling. If you don’t have hope for these people then I wouldn’t think you would make too much of a change to the world or you clients. I think when you are sitting down looking at your client you need to have in back of your mind; this is a good person, who just made some mistakes. I think it is imperative that you need a view people like when you are helping. No matter how impossible it seems, I think everyone can change his/her own way of thinking, it just takes a lot of time and tears sometimes. God created this human being for good not bad, that what were here to help them find out. Also I know some people don’t like Catholicism with their counseling, but I think you need to have some kind of faith in your background if you are going too help other or at least a good judgment of moral good. Having a good moral judgment means you have values in your life. Values are beliefs you have in life that are worth a lot to you. For example, I value life more than anything in this world. I think murder and suicide is terrible. We are built on this world for life, when someone takes that a way; I think t... Free Essays on My Life JOURNAL NO. 2 ~ â€Å"The Need to Belong is the Most Powerful Human Need†~ The quote, â€Å"The need to belong is the most powerful human need†. In other words, life is empty without a companion. In addition, material things are easy to have, however, without a company in your life is not complete. In most cases, without anyone by your side it’s not easy. Family, friends and relatives are someone you can lean on for the time of sorrow. Moreover, having a company in each individual, our life becomes more exciting, convenient, has light which lights up our life. From my own experience, family, friends and people I have known for years are my best company. First of all, family is my life saver. By the time I feel bother into something I most likely to struggle and feeling bother. They would cheer me up and provide me all the comfort that I need in order for me to lighten up. Additionally, friends are god’s way of loving and care of us. My friends would help me out with my projects when I falling behind and into nay particular assignments that is scheduled on a certain day. Not only they help me, but they are treating me as one of their family members. We lean on each other and make a great companion in life. Furthermore, this wonderful people I have with me will help me pass through all the obstacles that come on my way to achieve my purposes in life. They are the ones that provide the strength that I need to get over with my problems and make me feel that anything is possible in life as long as you pull yourself together and think about your positive and negative perspective towards the situation....
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