Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Presentation On The Killing Of Children Essay - 1961 Words
Today people cultural belief varies in various part of the world. This presentation will focus on the killing of children in Angola. There many factors that have contributed to many children being accused, abused and killed due to witchcraft. Riedel et al., (2012) quotes that Many of the thousands of street children across Angola are victims of this trend( Billion,2001). This is something New to us is African culture it is usually the older people who are accused of practicing Witchcraft. Now we’re even seeing cases popping up involving babies.†The problem Over the years Angolan’s have suffered from civil war this as now resulted to political, economic, poor policies, new trends and other( Billion,2001).In Angola it is a tradition that if witchcraft is practice by either adult or children they should be put to death, abandoned or cast out of the village. However many of this supercilious belief were generate due to lack of knowledge or understanding about certain issues.Many these cases were featured on BBC 1 documentary in 2005. For instance, A child with ADHD might be perceive as possessed in Angola while in the Uk the child will be medically label as ADHD. According to Carhn(2006) There is a clear difference between how third word countries perceive certain diagnoses and how high income country perceive diagnoses. In Angola, strange behaviour or poor behaviour might be perceive as witchcraft. Thus, may lead to children been abandoned by their parents. While in theShow MoreRelatedNazi s Persecution Of The Handicapped Essay1404 Words  | 6 Pageswith not many workers, and most people that are strong enough were in the army and went to war. They need enough worker to provide them with the enough resources that they need. Any people that are in Germany and are not strong enough (except for children) to work are killed. 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