
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Americans with Disabilities Act 1

Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act Overview of the ADA of 1990 including its intended purpose, and what governmental agency oversees ADA claims The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) of 1990 was enacted by the United States Congress, signed into law by George H. W. Bush on July 26, 1990, and amended in 2009 where some changes were introduced to the act. ADA is a civil rights’ law that was intended to check against discrimination that can be encountered by disabled persons in the course of accessing certain services or taking part in day-to-day activities. It safeguards disabled persons against any form of bias or prejudice with respect to their condition. Whatever falls under category of disability is normally made on case-to-case basis. However, current substance abuse and visual impairment that can be remedied by lenses are not considered as disabilities by the ADA of 1990. The law was initially intended to guarantee civil right protection for people who were permanently disabled and their disabilities could not be reversed or weakened. The law was enacted enable disable persons access services enjoyed by persons who are not disabled thereby opening their horizons to all types of careers. The drafters wanted the law to be flexible to guard against eminent weakening by future case laws. To enable disabled persons enjoy equal rights with everyone else, President G. W. Bush signed ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) into law on September 2008 (Matt, 1). Title I of the ADA 1990 deals with employment. It empowers people with disability with requisite qualifications to seek for employment in covered entities. People with disabilities can be hired, discharged, compensated, and trained just like any other worker without being discriminated. Agencies that are covered by the law include an employment agencies, labor organizations, and labor management committees. As per Title I, discrimination entails restricting job application in a manner contrary to convention, preventing qualified persons people from applying or taking up job opportunities, or making irrational and illegal job requirements to limit persons with disabilities. If entrance medical examinations have to be done, everybody else should be subjected to the process and the medical records must be treated with a lot of confidentiality. This title does not offer protection to individuals currently engaged in illegal use of drugs (Matt, 1). Title II of the Act deals with Public entities. This title prohibits any form of discrimination that can be met on the people with disability by public entities at local and state levels. Access here implies both physical and pragmatic access. It is supposed to check against discriminatory policies instituted by such public entities. It applies to public transportation that public entities offer (Matt, 1). Title III captures public accommodation and commercial facilities. The title criminalizes discrimination based on disability with special focus on full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, or accommodations of any public accommodation by the proprietors, leasers, or operators. Public accommodation here means recreational facilities, lodgings, transportation, educational, and places of public displays. Under this title, all new constructions have to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines anchored in the Code of Federal Regulations. This title also applies to existing facilities. Exemptions to the regulation provided in the title include private clubs and religious organizations. However, historical properties and other public and private buildings must comply with the provisions of this title and failure may lead to legal proceedings. However, if following usual standards threaten to destroy historical significance of the feature of the building, they are under obligation to use other standards (Matt, 2). Title IV of the ADA deals with telecommunications. This title amended the Communications Act of 1934. All telecommunication companies are required to cater for the needs of the disabled especially the deaf and those with speech impairment (Matt, 3). Title V of ADA deals with miscellaneous provisions that are basically technical provisions. It also includes anti-retaliation or coercion provisions. Many government agencies act in concert to ensure that the ADA of 1990 is implemented. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission presides over employment related ADA provisions. The Department of Transportation regulates statutes related transportation. Other agencies include United States Department of Agriculture, Department of labor, Department of Education, United States Department of Interior, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States Department of Health and Human Services, and Federal Communications Commission (Matt, 4). Statutory definition of â€Å"disability† and â€Å"reasonable accommodation† under the ADA of 1990 The ADA Act of 1990 defines disability as an impairment that substantially limits major life activity. ADA defines impairment as a physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, anatomical, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive losses. The Act further defines impairment as a mental or psychological disorder. Nevertheless, the explanations of impairment under the ADA regulation do not include physical traits, common personality traits, cultural and economic aspects as these elements come naturally and cannot be altered by man (Matt, 1). The Act excludes certain statutory requirements while trying to define disability like those currently using illegal drugs. Emotional acts such as thought, focus, and making contact with others also make up major life activities in reference to the EEOC. The phrase substantially limits features in the ADA definition of disability. An impairment on qualifies to be a disability if it limits life activities. For an impairment to be referred to as a disability, a person must be meaningfully limited in his or her competency to undertake certain activities relative to the average person drawn from the general public. Some of the very essential aspects to consider in this area are nature and extent of the disability, the time interval that the persons has been disabled, and how the impairment affects the individual’s ability to partake in everyday tasks (Acemoglu and Angrist 920). Reasonable accommodation in the ADA of 1990 protects persons with disabilities by ensuring that other than provision of physical access to buildings and provision of equal access to programs and services, this category of citizens access auxiliary services, aids, and removal of barriers in public utilities provided that this does not create undue administrative or financial burdens. The ADA 1990 defines reasonable ccommodation to entail â€Å"making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible and usable by disabled persons, job restructuring, part time or modified work schedules, re-advertisement to vacant person, acquisition or modification of equipment or devices and appropriate adjustment or modification of examination† (Matt, 5). Discuss the Supreme Court's decisions in Sutton and Toyota Manufacturing In Williams’s case, The Supreme Court visited the question of severity of a condition that qualifies it to be a protected disability. The Supreme Court held that the employee’s medical condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome was not a disability because it was not substantially limiting. It was further stated that for an impairment to be referred to as a disability, it has to prevent or severely restrict a person from undertaking in tasks that are of essential value to a person in everyday life. The court underscored the need for strict interpretation of the phrase ‘’substantially limits. ’ The ruling in Williams’s case brought into fore the inability of ADA to accommodate cases characterized by dismissal of many disability cases (Raddatz, 2). In Sutton v. United Airlines, the plaintiff sued for discriminative acts by a potential employer. In the case, the plaintiffs were two twin myopic sisters who had applied for employment as commercial pilots but their request was rejected because they did not attain the minimum value for uncorrected eyesight. The Supreme Court held that the question of whether somebody is disabled and thus be protected by ADA must be looked at with reference to all mitigating measures. For instance, if a person is severely limited in undertaking day-to-day activities without medical intervention but is only slightly limited to undertaking these tasks after medical interventions, the medical intervention serves to negate the impairment from being referred to as a disability as outlined in the ADA (Raddatz, 1). The ADAAA of 2008 including its intended purpose and significant changes from the ADA of 1990 The ADAAA 2008 is an Act of the Congress that went into operation on January 1, 2009. It amended the ADA of 1990 and other nondiscrimination laws that were drafted for the good of people with disability at state and federal levels. The amendment was introduced with respect to myriad Supreme Court rulings on ADA 1990. THE Supreme Court decisions were viewed by the members of the United States Congress as limiting the rights of people with disabilities (Schall, pp. 192). The ADAAA indeed reversed those decisions. With respect to ADA Title I, ADAAA changed the definition of disability. It clarified and broadened its definition. One notable contribution of this amendment is to take into consideration of both the employer and employee. With ADAAA 2008, courts are expected to interpret ADA and other Federal disability non-discrimination laws and determine whether the covered entity has discriminated. This law preserves the original meaning definition of law as written in the ADA but alters the way that statutory term should be construed (Matt, 5). Legal analysis of Billy and Mandy's requests applying both the ADA and ADAAA Based on the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, Mandy’s request should not be honored because she is not substantially limited in her daily activities without using medical interventions like consulting an optician to initiate corrective measures to remedy far sightedness. However, with the ADAAA, her request should be granted because the Act prohibits consideration of medication and low vision devices in determining whether a condition is a disability. Billy Beer’s request has to be granted because according to the Reasonable Accommodation and from the definition of disability in Title I, Billy’s condition is covered and indeed considered a disability. Moreover, ADAAA prioritizes discrimination initiated by covered entity as opposed to whether the person seeking protection under law has impairment that fits the statutory definition of disability. Works Cited Acemoglu, Daron and Angrist, Joshua D. Consequences of Employment Protection? The Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Journal of Political Economy 109(6), 2001, 915–957. Matt, Susan. Reasonable Accommodation: What does the Law Really Require. Journal of the Association of Medical Professionals with hearing Loses, 1(1), 2003, 1-13 Raddatz, Alissa. ADA Amendments overrule Supreme Court Decisions on What Constitutes Disability. 2009. Web. 3 Dec. 2011. Schall, Carol M. The Americans with Disabilities Act—Are We Keeping Our Promise? An Analysis of the Effect of the ADA on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 10(9), 1998, 191-203.

How to encourage employees accepting the change? Essay

Change can be a good thing for both the company and its employees; however, sometimes it can be very difficult for the employees to accept the sudden change in their daily routine for many different reasons. As a supervisor, my job is to reduce that resistance by choosing the right way introducing the change; explaining why it is necessary to take such a move, and how can it beneficial. Make them understand the reasons for this change and get them involved into discussions; let them share their ideas, ask for suggestions, what is that their looking for in their workplace, encourage innovation, and excite them about the new routine. Most of the employees are more likely resisting change because of the fear of the unknown; increased workload for example, or different new staff to work with, so basically they don’t want to start all over from zero. Due to that fact, MLC has thought of new ideas to reduce its employees’ stress over the increased work. Consequently, it has signed a contract with 10 different international restaurants to visit the new branch in Isa town every week; therefore, employees will enjoy the variety of food offered weekly. Also, it can be a great way for the old employees to break the ice and bond their relationship with the new employees’ during their lunch break in the company. Moreover, moving from Manama to Isa town can cause some employees’ further way to travel. Hence, MLC has provided its employees’ an advanced parking area, which uses the system of an automatic car parking. Therefore, employees’ won’t waste time and effort looking for a car park. Additional to that, MLC now owns private, modern, new busses offering its employees free bus transportations, especially for those who don’t own a private car, take taxies to work, or any other employee who would take advantage of this new facility. So, bus drivers will be clued-up with a list of names of registered employees with their contact number and home addresses to pick them up from their home to work.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Journal Summary-International Marketing Ethics

Journal Summary International marketing ethics from an Islamic perspective: A value-maximization approach At the heart of Islamic marketing is principle of value-maximization based on equity and justice that can perform wider welfare for society nowadays. In case, there have five reason in the Islamic religious perspective that is importance in the global business ethic. First, Islam provides a guideline that builds the moral and ethical behavior.Second, Muslims countries represent the huge number of affluent customers in this era. Next, Islamic countries ready to welcome foreign investors and the result of this item, the level of foreign investment was increasing. In addition, what we can see, the Islamic trade expanding rapidly in International market from day to day absolutely can convince others to come and invest to these Islamic countries. Lastly, Muslims are control the application of the Islamic law in the thought and life aspect.Islamic teaching in economics operation was in cluding in marketing field whether domestic or global that absolutely has been providing with two resources; the Quran and Hadith. The Islamic perspective offers ways that create value and elevate the standard of living of people through commercials pursuits and it is also quite unique regarding the aspect of human activity in life. What we are doing in our life will be the things that we are responsible for and will be count at last.In facts, there is the concept of idealism and relativism as it means of setting ethics standards has acquired popularity among theoreticians. Idealism relates to the tendency to consider injury to others while relativism measures the tendency to disregard universal moral values. As we can see, international marketing relativism is becoming more influent in the field of global business. The basic of relativism is their experience and the term of experience can be described as their own culture.Islamic international ethic was difference from a convention al ethic in number of ways as an Islamic concept more stress on reference of Quran and Hadith. In terms of Concept of justice in marketing there are been defined into fair play and just dealing which is business according to the interest of all concerned and virtue which causes one to be fair to oneself or others. In addition, have two principles that been governed for any commercial activity from an Islamic perspective.There are submissions to moral order of God and mercy to God’s creations which avoid from doing bad things towards others and refrain from unethical manner. When the five P’s (product, price, promotion, place and people) mix with the term Islamic principles of marketing mix in the context of international marketing, the terms show a number of different. As for the first P, which is Product clarify about the quality of the production process as in the Quran claim about the high quality ideals is one of the important aspect of actualizing safe product and services for the consumers.In the Islamic concept, they are most stress on the product that can give full satisfactions on basic human needs and the production process must be permissible and pure. The second P is price. In Islam, Muslims are prohibited to get something too easily without any effort and receive profit without working on it. Changing the price without altering the quality or quantity of the product is one that not allowed when a person doing business. Next P is promotion.Over praise of the product without considering about the true facts is considered as unethical behavior in the Islamic concept. Apart from that, the seller must to speak the true about the product condition while doing promotion and the buyer has the right to return the goods as long as they are not separate  in  a long time. In international marketers, they are required to reveal all problems in their product and the seller needs to disclose all the things about the goods that the buyers can ei ther see or not.The term of place is a process with a number of steps that starting with providing the buyer with a means to place the product by doing an order processing and ending with delivered the goods to the final consumers. One of the unethical manners during the packaging is one of the terms in place in marketing mix. The seller or supplier need to use packaging design that can protect the goods and prohibited to use inappropriate packaging when the products transferred through public highways.In the Islamic principle, distribution channel of the products to the final customers are supposed not to be a burden to them especially in terms of higher prices and delays. People were a last P of the marketing mix which is the customers has the right to know the information about the product. Islam emphasizes the importance of free to make judgment about the products are mostly lies on the consumers. As a matters of facts, in term of corporate responsibility, customers cannot toler ate when they having the unethical international marketing behaviors.The international marketing responsibilities can be categorizes to toward Gods, society, marketer’s own welfare and also environment. The culture of corruption and bribery are the most popular problem among the marketers and it is extremely prohibited in the Islamic principle. In short, the Islamic principle nowadays in the international marketing is governed by two sources; Quran and the practices of the Prophet. Thus, these Islamic practices do not differentiate between the temporal and the spiritual dimensions. Islam always respects the freedom of the customers while doing their business.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The communication between men and women ( how they communicate ) Essay

The communication between men and women ( how they communicate ) - Essay Example of men and women can be classified into three broad categories that are body language, content of conversation and style of getting the message across. The general inbuilt sedate nature of men leads them to be a bit reserved about their facial expressions and maintain an open appearance with their arms and legs spread out from their body while talking. Women on the other hand are more facially expressive and try to keep their arms and legs close to their bodies while they are in a conversation. (McManus, 1999). The lack of eye contact on account of men is often considered rude by the women. This often leads to resistance between them. Women also emphasize on maintaining high pitch and low resonance while men prefer exactly otherwise. Men also try to speak assertively and try to interrupt others while talking. Women keep a considerate tone and allow others to interrupt them. Men have a common complain that women do not get down to business quickly and spend a lot of time in niceties. Men prefer to the point discussions that are direct and also blunt in some cases. This is identified as a complaint by the women who say that men do not care about the feeling of others and are only concerned about their content. When it comes to apologies, men feel being relegated to a subordinate position so they are a bit reluctant. Women primarily think of an apology as a means to keeping the relationship alive which is an entirely different perspective (Tanen, 1990). The innate tendency of competitiveness in men causes them to lose aesthetics of conversation by failing to complement and tending to volunteer evaluations instead. When it comes to problem solving, males are more dependent on facts and figures while women try to focus on shared experiences and feelings. Men in most cases fail to appreciate aesthetics because they want to carry their robust outlook with their personality. This creates a conflict between men and women in conversations as women feel that they are being

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Revolution of Architectural Forms in the Computer Age Essay

The Revolution of Architectural Forms in the Computer Age - Essay Example More evidently it has resulted in the translation of complex geometrical forms into architectural designs. This can be perceived by observing the innovative and complex forms that the later buildings predominantly adopt. As seen by Bart Lootsma (Zellner 1999), "instead of trying to validate conventional architectural thinking in a different realm, our strategy today should be to infiltrate architecture with other media and disciplines to produce a new crossbreed." Computational design processes is characterized by flexibility, speed, precision and the fact that it allows one to clearly visualize the forms and spaces with the help of animation and rendering. Hence the use of computer technology in architecture is highly rewarding and leads to solutions for a number of issues. The common most positive outcome is that the modifications in design have become extremely rapid, it becomes highly convenient to transfer or share data and information between the team members of a project, at times sitting across the globe. It also offers great precision as compared to manual work The word 'Digital architecture' refers to the architecture that is generated with high end computer technology. Such architecture is not only about designing of forms but also about construction and fabrication of the building on site with the use of computers. This essay explains and describes the computational architectural technology in the digital age through design process, design analysis, and building construction of some recent projects.It is only since the last few years that the Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) have began influencing the field of architecture. This has helped in realizing possibility to design and construct buildings which seemed to be difficult and expensive when designed in the traditional manner. Note the below placed images of the Empire State building and the millennium tower in Tokyo, the former resembles the architecture of non-digital age as in 1930s. These forms predominantly rely upon repetitive geometry to achie ve structural stability. The latter is a product of digitally generated form with the geometry that changes with its height. This is precisely controlled with computed calculations. The design of the digitally evolved form is more complex geometry and depends primarily upon its form for its structural stability rather than it's mass. The present essay discusses the use of computer technology in some of the advanced buildings designed by Foster and Associates. The digital architecture uses the computer technology for deriving the conceptual form and refining it to the end into a precise creation of architecture. The use of computer begins with the generation of conceptual form and its analysis to impart appropriate developmental changes, testing the design alternatives against specific loading conditions and climatic effects and finally carrying out the process of construction with the appropriate application of programs in material calculation and in transferring the complex geometrical shapes to building elements on site. The important part is the fact that digital models provide the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Environmental Microbiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Environmental Microbiology - Assignment Example flu in humans are very similar to conventional influenza which generally involves muscular pains, cough, general body weakness, chills, fever, severe migraine and general discomfort. Human to human infection of this virus is also prevalent in a manner similar to that of the common flu, namely through coughing & sneezing of infected individuals or by touching something with flu virus on it and then eating food without washing the hands etc. Swine flu is also transmitted to humans by eating pork products which are not cooked to at least 160Â °F, which kills the swine flu virus and other dangerous bacteria and viruses. It has been noted that although conventional treatment for swine flu exits, natural medicines have also been quite successful in treating and preventing pandemic outbreaks of this virus, especially homeopathic and herbal medicine therapies. (Kruzel p.2) Now even vaccines for swine flu prevention are available and public awareness campaigns and education programs have helped increase awareness about this virus to the masses. The best treatment for swine-flu is possible if a physician is contacted within 1-2 days of noticing the swine flu

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marijuana and Prostitution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marijuana and Prostitution - Coursework Example The process of using one’s body to eaer money has been done in the olden ages and the pre historic times since the advent of the man into the earth. As of now, prostitution is not legalized in many jurisdictions all over the world. Countries such as the Netherlands have been able to legalize prostitution due to their progressive ideas and the fact that it is a huge way of making money through taxing this profession. In the following paragraphs I will explain whether prostitution is like any other crime, and if not then why do we need to legalize the oldest profession in the world. Question: 1 Whether Prostitution is like any other crime in the world? Prostitution is the art of providing the pleasure of sex on a continued basis for a long time. It has often been remarked that prostitution is like any other crime, but when one has a closer look at things and analyses them from a different perspective, one arrives at a conclusion that prostitution is not like any other crime. To commit a crime, there are two essential components, which have to be fulfilled by the person committing the crime. The first is the fact that there should be Mens Rea, and the second is the fact that there should be Actus Resus. Mens Rea is the guilty mind, while actus reus is the act committed by the guilty mind. A guilty mind under the definition of criminal law would constitute a mind which has negativism imbibed in it along with having a wrong intention of doing things in his/her favour. Prostitution is not connected with the guilty mind at all, if it was then having sex in the bedroom would also constitute to having a guilty mind and would have therefore been labeled as a crime. The imperative understanding which needs to be made here is that prostitution is nothing but providing the services of sex, and nothing else. We avail the services of law, other pleasure seeking services, then under the same perspective and the same context we also seek the services of Sex, and therefor e nothing wrong should be perceived in that context. Prostitution should be legalized for two significant reasons. The first one is the fact that there is no inclusion of any sort of guilty mind in the process of availing these services. The primary reason for availing this service is for pleasure seeking purpose and not from a criminal intention. The second reason is to have a check on the spread of STDs, especially AIDS. If prostitution is legalized all over the world, especially in countries such as India and South Africa, then it would help dramatically in having a check on AIDS along with the process of the controlling the same. Question 2: Whether Marijuana should be legalized? Yes, Marijuana should be legalized. In the United States, Marijuana has already been legalized in Colorado and Washington. This is just the beginning. The primary reason behind the legalization is again the same as prostitution. There is no criminal intent or any element criminality in the use and distr ibution of the drug. There have been many theories as to why marijuana was banned in the first place, but it must be understood and examined by the scholars that marijuana was the first drug of its kind, which provided pleasure to the human mind and brought him relaxation. The use of Marijuana for personal consumption has to be legalized in more places in the USA. The process can be initiated by having decriminalization legislation in place, and then once the response is understood and the feedback is received, then the process of legalization can be initiated. All this will happen in due course of time, and therefore although we need to keep moving slowly, we need to make sure that we move in the right direction. The benefits of legalization of Marijuana will be in a huge number. First of all, it will add as a source

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International business Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International business - Personal Statement Example As an undergraduate student I have been able to get the most out of my academic experience through the boundless knowledge that has been offered to me by my professors, something that should be noted, is not available in the simple purchase of a textbook. The academic lessons offered to me have increased my understanding of the business world and molded my marketing perspectives to views that I consider unique and will play a big role in my career in the future. The next step in my path is the subject of International business, and I would like to continue my personal and academic growth with this respected base of education. I believe that I will be able to get the most out of my learning experiences if I am surrounded by not only what I see as familiar, but progressive surroundings as well. I have a great resolve to succeed in life, and I hold firm in my belief that this institution would be the best means of my doing that. I hope that you will humbly consider my application to continue with my education in your prestigious

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot said, Only passions, Essay - 1

The 18th century French philosopher Denis Diderot said, Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things. Describe one of your passions and - Essay Example Nothing is more interesting or controversial than a political discussion. It could include an across-the-fence chat with a neighbor concerning an upcoming city council vote regarding the installation of speed bumps on area streets or an in-depth analysis of how the Magna Carta was the foundation for the U.S. Constitution. Politics are much more than simply an interesting subject that allows people to casually converse about topics beyond the weather. Politics, whether local, national or global, shapes our lives and the lives of future generations. It is a dividing line that defines ideologies. To really know a person is to know where they stand politically. In addition, it is a measure of a person’s general intellect and level of knowledge. I bring up the subject when on a date or meeting someone that I plan to associate with so as to ascertain the mindset of that person. I am in no way insinuating that an individual who is not interested in politics possesses character flaws but I would rather spend my free time with people of opinion and conviction that are concerned about the greater good. The ‘greater good’ is the goal for all but the means to that end differs to varying degrees. Married couples, old friends and family members seldom completely agree when discussing politics. One should avoid controversial subjects such as religion and politics while in a social setting it has been popularly suggested. I would add, ‘if you cannot control your emotions.’ Politics binds and greatly affects us all. The discussion is essential if local, national and global society is to evolve into the universally shared goal. In addition, the subject is fascinating and, based solely on this fact, worthy of dialogue. My passion for politics drives me to communicate its multidimensional aspects effectively. Politicians seemingly put more importance on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Role of a Nurse and Best Practice Preventing Pressure Ulcer In an Essay

The Role of a Nurse and Best Practice Preventing Pressure Ulcer In an Acute Medical Receiving Environment - Essay Example This report stresses that nurses are required to act at the best of their interests in order to save the lives of people. However, the poor working conditions in many hospitals nowadays and healthcare policies impact the performance level of nurses. For instance, the healthcare policy reform is seen as a hindrance to the effective healthcare delivery services by registered nurses. Nurses offer real life issues especially on the needs of patients in order to reduce mortality and morbidity issues. The healthcare policy can create issues especially where patients are required to pay and where those who are insured are not supposed to pay. This is one of the issues that had been noticed with the healthcare insurance; thus creating conflicting issue between insured patients and the caregivers. The healthcare costs and other aspects are all issues of political agendas; thus, they tend to impact the role played by nurses in the hospital settings. This essay makes a conlcusion that nurses are aware that the current healthcare system has varied problems; thus, a need for creating changes in acute medical receiving environment. Abood argues that the current healthcare environment face varied problems because of numerous healthcare policies, laws and regulations imposed upon the healthcare sector by the government agencies. These create challenges to both nurses and patients who are always stuck amidst of cost constraints and access to effective quality care

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Contemporary Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contemporary Supply Chain Management - Essay Example In the case chocolate the end user is the customer. So supply chain management of chocolate is the management of the process of buying of raw materials, transportation, and processing, packing and delivering chocolate to the customer. Supply chain management can also be described as the flow of Goods or services from suppliers to the manufacturers then to the distributors and retailers and finally to the customers. Supply chain management entails production, distribution, purchasing, customer management, materials management and supplier management. The supply chain for chocolate mainly starts with the farmers who grow cocoa. Normally these are normally small scale farmers who grow the plant in order for them and their families to earn a living. However, there are companies like rainforest alliance certified cocoa (RACC) that produce cocoa in large scale. When ripe pods containing cocoa beans are harvested and the cocoa beans are dried and fermented, (Beckett, 2011). This is the first stage of the supply chain. This is the second stage in the supply chain of chocolate. This is where one finds brokers and intermediaries linking the farmers who are the producers and the next stage of the supply chain. Transportation also occurs at this stage of the supply chain. These brokers buy the cocoa beans from the small scale farmers and later sell the cocoa beans collectively to cocoa processing companies. In cases where companies do large scale farming and production of cocoa, these part of the supply chain of chocolate is not left upon the intermediaries (brokers), but it is done by the companies who own the large acres of cocoa. Some companies sell the cocoa directly to the processing companies while others who have processing plants simply transport the raw material to their factories for processing Processing is the next stage of the supply chain of chocolate. This is where

Monday, July 22, 2019

African-American culture Essay Example for Free

African-American culture Essay â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker centers in the story between a Mother and her children with conflicting ideas on cultural and ancestral preservation (Mohr). The mother who was described in the story as an uneducated, â€Å"big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands who lived in a rural locality depicted a typical black woman during the 1950s-1960s. The story opens as she waited for her two daughters, Dee and Maggie, as they arrived home from the city studying in a university. Upon their arrival at home, they had a quarrel over the possession of an heirloom quilt. The piece illustrates several levels of meaning. There were various symbolism employed by the writer. The possession of the â€Å"quilt† which the whole story revolved around symbolizes the traditional history and the art of the African-American culture, and to their woman to be specific. Their traditional art gives emphasis on abstract designs as shown by the quilt (Mohr). Moreover, it beautifully creates a transition where something as unimportant and as invaluable as a quilt contained a rich and valued importance such as a cultural representation as the story unfolded. The use of Mrs. Johnson as the point of view in this story has a vital role in how the author contrasted the love for culture as opposed to Mrs. Johnson’s daughter Dee’s who showed less worth towards their Black heritage. Her description as a mother symbolizes the general older generation of the African-American culture while on the other hand her daughters who were then educated in college was a representation of the current (new breed) generation. The dispute over the quilt reflects the two sides of the Black societies. Because of the hidden meanings in the story, there will be several ways one can use in order to explain and interpret the story. The mother experienced a lot of confusions and at the same time the incident revealed to her, her daughters’ contradictory understanding towards their lineage. She described her daughter Maggie like a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car†, that is, she recognized her daughter as unsophisticated but loyal (like a dog), as opposed to Dee who see saw as â€Å"burned us with a lot of knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This description mirrored Dee’s central role in the story which is a representation of the materialistic and complicated modern Black who was caught in the confusing web between acknowledging her culture and the â€Å"fitting in trend† that was prevalent after the Black Power Movement (Ogbar). Even with the contrasted description, Mrs. Johnson decided to give the quilt to Maggie; she thus confirmed and affirmed her younger daughter’s idea of self-worth and at the same time revealed her own concept through Maggie’s personality. Another important highlight in the story is the similarity between the names of Dee and to that of their Grandmother Dee and this ultimately set the comparison between Dee and her grandmother. The similarity in the name suggests that they came from the same race but the obvious distinction in their characters showed the degree of the influence of the white’s culture to Dee and the preservation efforts by Grandmother Dee as exemplified by doing traditional quilting. The story â€Å"Everyday Use† is a reflection of the author’s early life. Alice Walker who was involved in the efforts of cultural preservation used literature as a device to convey her position and opinion as a Black African American in their turbulent period of struggle for equality. This short story took place in a setting almost the same as the place where she grew up in Georgia. More striking parallelism is on the character of Maggie Johnson, like Maggie, Alice Walker is also disfigured due to a gunshot wound. On the other hand, her similarities with Dee are reflected in their exemplary intelligence which both gained them scholarships in universities. As observed in this story, Alive Walker blatantly expressed her views and judgments towards this racial discrimination and this story was as effective as it is since this is reflective of her life, therefore the feelings associated with it has deep connection to her. Art, for example writing, as I stressed in the introduction is one of the effective vessel that carries your thoughts when you don’t want to deliberately express an unaccepted idea and also, it is a helpful tool for conveying a strong message at the same time entertaining.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Effective Staffing Processes

Importance of Effective Staffing Processes Going global was considered to be a great achievement few years ago, but today, it is part of a companys survival strategy and rather an essential element to de-risk the business from a single country shock. Going global has become an increasingly important business strategy because of that most businesses face challenges of localized economic policies and competition. The advances in information technology and telecommunication that scholars consider it as second revolution have caused tremendous changes in global business and increased the volume of trade between nations. Multinational companies have been playing major role in the process of moving goods and services around the globe. When companies go global and operate in different countries, policies relating to employee hiring, training, compensating and maintaining are largely affected and human resource managers are required to have a global perspective of business to effectively formulate and implement human resource policie s. This piece of research paper addresses the importance of effective staffing process for a company when operates in other countries and explains main elements of international human resource management in relation to hiring, training and compensating the employees. This paper explains main modes of global staffing in relation to managing expatriates and analyzes various selection factors for global operation. Need for effective Staffing for Global Operation In recent days, managers of large multinationals have been realizing the significance of human resource practices to ensure the profitability and competitive advantages of their business. Human resource management has become more involved in helping international organizations and these organizations necessarily require to develop global strategies with major focus to hire, manage and retain best employees in order to ensure competitive advantages. As Briscoe, Schuler and Claus (2008) stated that the impact of a companys international activity on human resource varies according to various factors like stages of internationalization, the global nature of the particular industry and specific choice of the firm etc (p. 29). Large companies that have been operating in its home country often suddenly become global and as a result its existing human resources start working in different conditions with no previous experiences in international operation. Likewise, companies need to hire, train maintain and retain talented employees to be able to work in multinational conditions. Stahl and Bjà ¶rkman (2006) stressed that global staffing has become a critical issue in international management for the following reasons:- There has been growing awareness that the success of international business mainly depend on recruiting the qualified senior and other managers. Staffing is more complex in international contexts, The performance of expatriates has become a problem and empirical evidences have shown that poor performance of expatriates in international firms are more costly in both human and financial terms. Global staffing has become important due to the need for MNCs to develop multicultural international workforce (p. 141). Staffing for Global Operation In global staffing, companies need to choose from various types of global staff members and need to have specific approaches and strategies to global staffing. Global staff members are selected from among three different types: expatriates, host-country people and third-country nationals. Expatriate is a person who belongs to the country in which the organization is headquartered and not a citizen of the country in which the company operates. A host-country national is a citizen of the country in which the subsidiary company is located. A third-country national is a citizen of a country, but works in another country and employed by an organization headquartered in a third country (Mondy, 2008, p. 150). As Deresky (2011) pointed, a firms managerial staffing in other countries, depending on its stage of internationalization, and situational factors falls in to one or more of the basic four staffing modes, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and global approaches (p. 329). Each staffing modes present different and unique HR management challenges as well as opportunities. More specifically, when an organization uses citizens of different countries for its staffing, different tax laws and other significant HR-related factors may apply and therefore it highly recommended that HR professionals need to be knowledgeable about the laws and customs of each country that its workforce belong to. The four different modes of international staffing are detailed below: Ethnocentric approach When companies hire expatriates to staff their high-level foreign positions, it uses ethnocentric approach. The company focuses on using home-country nationals to staff most of its senior managerial positions for its global operation. The basic perception of this approach is that home-office perspectives and issues are likely to take precedence over local perspectives and issues and therefore these expatriates will be more effective in representing the views of home-office (Steers and Nardon, 2006, p. 277). Deresky (2011) emphasized that ethnocentric approach is more likely to be used when an organization is at its internationalization stage or at strategic expansion. It is used mainly for filling the key managerial positions with people from headquarters, who are known to be parent-country nationals (p. 329). In the ethnocentric organization, home based policy, practice and even employees are viewed as superior and same time foreigners are often viewed as second class citizens. This approach is very appropriate when the company is in its early stage of setting up foreign subsidiary and there is greater need for control (Scullion, 2006, p. 18). Parent-country nationals are well familiar with companys specific goals, policies, technology and operation and they now the procedures to get things done from the headquarters. It is one of the major advantages of ethnocentric approach. More over, this approach is normally used when a company faces inadequate local-skilled managers. This approach is a strategy to fill this gap and develop international managerial skills (Deresky, 2011, p. 329). This approach requires relatively little effort by headquarters to monitor and recruit home country people for filling higher managerial positions. This approach provides quite broad experience for home country managers in relation to improving their long term career. This approach has many disadvantages as well. It may inhibit the opportunities and development of the talent of local managers as they have less up-ward mobility and this causes decrease to their loyalty to the subsidiary (Deresky, 2011, p. 329). More over, employee commitment to the organization may be negatively impacted as local managers feel they are trapped under a glass ceiling and with less chances of moving to the top of the firms managerial positions (Steers and Nardon, 2006, p. 277). Expatriates in foreign countries have been found to be less effective as well (Deresky, 2011, p. 329). Polycentric Approach A polycentric approach staffing policy and management philosophy oriented toward staffing positions with local talent. A polycentric-oriented firm staffs its foreign subsidiaries with host country nationals and its home office with parent-country nationals (Gary, p. 379). Deresky (2011) noted that polycentric approach, in which local managers from host-country nationals are hired to fill important positions in their own country, is more applicable when implementing a multinational strategy (p. 329). As these managers are normally familiar with local culture, competitive demands of the local market, the major foreign subsidiary is usually some what independent. Local managers are its major advantages. The major advantages of this approach includes a strong familiarity of business operation and management with local social custom and culture, language fluency and costs that are relatively less than in an expatriate assignment. There wont be foreign adjustment problem for an employee or his dependent family members. Though it is a multinational country, the heavy use of host-country nationals throughout the countries it operates from top management to lower positions can significantly win the support and confidence of local government and people because they see that its operation is benefiting its people (Vance, Charles and Paik, 2010, p. 173). This approach is good in those countries that have a policy and legal requirement that a firms employees must be comprised of a specific proportion of its citizens (Deresky, 2011, p. 329). When a firm takes polycentric approach, it is found that the business faces difficulty in coordinating activities and goals between subsidiary and parent company. another disadvantage is that the managers ion headquarters of the multinational companies will not gain necessary overseas experience required for higher positions in the firm (Deresky, 2011, p. 330). Regiocentric Approach With regiocentric approach, a firms recruitment for its international operation is done on a regional basis (Deresky, 2011, p. 331) and the managers are selected on the basis of the best in the region with international transfers that are restricted to regions (Scullion, 2006, p. 23). Bogardus (2004) stressed that regiocentric approach takes a somewhat larger operational view than that of polycentric approach as it covers a trade region like European Union and allowing managers to move between business units in various countries of the same region (p. 235). In this staffing approach, a mix of Parent-country nationals, host-country nationals and third-country nationals can be used depending on the specific needs of the company. The regiocentric approach has recently become more popular as many multinational companies are choosing to organize in regional basis. One of the main advantages of this approach is that it reduces the need for costly duplication of support services (Scullion, 2006, p. 23). Wood (2009) argued that most multinational companies regiocentric rather than truly international and majority of their sales and operations are concentrated on the region (p. 300). When it comes to the corporate level, the regiocentric approach is may be limiting as ethnocentric approach as multinational companies are failing to understand the features of the regions outside of their home-region. The regional structure may also lead to the mergence of silo-mentalities as regional managers will be trying to hold and protect their top talent within the region rather than allowing them to develop outside their region (Wood, 2009, p. 300). Geo-centric Approach- Global Approach The geo-centric or global approach to staffing is method by which the firm seeks to place best-qualified person in to each position regardless of the country they belong to. The business thus focuses on building an international management team and its members are free to move in to the geographic area (Bogardus, 2004, p. 235). As Peng (2008) noted, the geocentric approach can be said to be Color-blind because the color of the passport of the manager doesnt matter. This approach focuses on finding the most appropriate and efficient managers from Parent, or Host or Third country nationals (p. 440). In geocentric approach, the firm requires to consider various important factors like cost, foreign business practice and cultural variations. The global staffing approach considers best managers and they are recruited within or outside of the company. Their nationality is never considered. The main advantages of geocentric approach include its provision of greater pool of qualified managers and this in turn helps develop global executive base. When third-country nationals are staffed, they cause bringing more cultural flexibility and are likely to be skillful in more than one language than parent-country nationals. One of the main advantages is that the company can reduce its expenses by recruiting managers and employees from a country where normal pay is relatively less than some other countries (Deresky, 2011, p. 330). Selection Process for Global Assignments Cultural Adjustments Cultural awareness Cultural adaptability Diversity acceptance Global experiences Personal Characteristics Emotional stability Ambiguity tolerance Risk taking Stress coping Organizational Requirements Organizational knowledge Technical abilities Job-related skills Communication skills Language capabilities Non-verbal awareness Coaching and listening Conflict-resolution skill Personal/family concerns Personal life demands Family considerations Financial economic concerns Career development Selection factors for Global Employees Source: Mathis and Jackson, 2007, p. 250 The selection process for an international operation must provide real pictures of the working conditions to which the employees are to be sent. In international staffing, the HR managers thus require to prepare a comprehensive analysis of the job to be done in relation to the skills and talents of the employees to be recruited and selected. Some of the more significant factors to be considered in analyzing the suitability of an employee for a given task or job are his ability, personal characters, communication, ethical and moral perspectives etc. The multicultural perception of the managers or employees to be selected are also highly important. The figure above depicts main factors to be considered in selecting global staffs. Mathis and Jackson (2007) emphasized that cultural adjustments, personal characteristics, organizational requirements, communication skills and personal or family concerns are key competencies for successful global employees (250). Many companies in recent days focus on pre-employment screening to ensure their knowledge in the specified area and to know their experience in the same field. Training and development for expatriates Expatriation alone may not yield success, but they are to be trained and developed. Employees at all levels and at all field almost require training to improve their knowledge and enhance their work-experiences. When it comes to international staffing, training is more critical element to the organizational success. Expatriates inevitably experience unique cross-cultural encounters that they were probably not prepared by any pre-departure training. Pre-departure training helps expatriates foresee various cross-cultural encounters and prepare accordingly (Kà ¼hlmann, 2001, p. 12). Expatriate-managers and employees are found to have multiple relationships and they require to maintain relationships like family relation, internal relation, relation with host government, relation with headquarter, local and global relation etc. Because of these factors, it is important that expatriates need to be trained with cultural training, language instruction and getting accustomed with every-day life (Deresky, 2011, p. 337). Cross Cultural Training Cross-cultural training is perhaps more complicated than language or instructional training. The cross-cultural training is aimed at helping the expatriates improve their skills and ease adjustments to the new cultures and customs by making them able to reduce culture-shock. Some expatriates experience anxiety and despair about their un-knowingness of behaving to an unfamiliar culture. This culture-shock can be overcome with the help of cross-cultural training. Mead (2005) detailed that a cross-cultural training aims to teach a) what values are important within other culture, b) how that particular culture is being reflected in history, politics and economics and c) how such cultural values can be expressed in behaviour and attitudes (p. 400). The expatriates who attended cross-cultural training will be able to improve their social relationship, management styles, managing structures, strategic planning and management skills, knowledge in newer technology use etc. Conclusion This piece of research work has highlighted the importance of global staffing and analyzed four basic modes of internal staffing, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric. Advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches are detailed. This paper has addressed basic factors that can determine how successful are international employees and are required to be considered in selecting international employees. training and development, especially with cross-cultural training are more critical factors when it comes to the employee-development of the expatriates. This paper has highlighted the importance of training and development to the expatriate employees and managers.

Scarlet Letter Interpretation

Scarlet Letter Interpretation Qu 5: ‘†¦they had begun to look upon the scarlet letter as the token, not of that one sin, for which she had borne so long and dreary a penance, but of her many good deed since what does the Scarlet letter teach us on the subject of meaning and interpretation? It is perhaps unheard of and a little strange that one could actually consider the very letter ‘A within the story of ‘The Scarlet Letter to be considered the main character within Hawthornes tale. However it is due to this very letter that the entire tale of Hester unfolds. After reading the tale of Hester and her ascent from tainted woman to what can only be called a liberated if somewhat damaged soul it is hard to pin point the exact meaning of the letter ‘A .It is a letter as ambiguous as it sounds for it leaves open an entire dictionary of words to interpret its meaning. In a story that deals with the breakdown of the puritan society beliefs through a woman whose punishment for adultery is to wear a red letter upon her clothing it is easy to see how one can suppose the tale of ‘The scarlet letter to be one centering around Hester herself and yet it is perhaps the very ending of the ‘The scarlet letter ‘It bore device, a heralds wording of which may serve for motto and brief description of our now concluded legend; so sombre is it, and relieved only by one ever-glowing point of light gloomier than the shadow: ‘ON A FIELD, SABLE, THE LETTER A, GULES that beholds the true central subject of the ‘The Scarlet letter. That is, the very letter itself being the main protagonist leaving Hester to portray a rather small if catalytic part of the novel providing no more than a mere insight into the true meaning of the many and sometimes abstract meanings of the letter. Through out the ‘Scarlet letter the reader is presented with a selection of characters within the Puritan community, which come to view and relate to the scarlet letter in their own different ways. For example at the beginning of the novel the old puritan women of the community regard it as what is the general opinion at the time of Hesters release from prison. That of a symbol of sin and shame. Hester herself provides her own interpretation by weaving a letter whose appearance could only but reflect her own rebellious nature within the puritan society. Within and throughout the novel the scarlet letter takes on and changes many forms so as to leave the reader in a somewhat bewildered and confused state of mind. The beginning of the novel sees the puritan society regard the letter as the proof of sin made visible to all eyes to both punish Hester whilst at the same time serve as a warning. Yet as the tale progresses the meaning of the letter changes and transforms to create a whole different meaning around it. If the major characteristic of the symbol is its enigmatic nature, it is not surprising that the question of its understanding should be of major importance. Yet perhaps in order to begin understanding the true meaning of the Scarlet letter we must first look towards Hawthorns ‘The Custom-house where in the Scarlet letter is described as a ‘mystic symbol, subtly conveying itself to my sensibilities, but evading the analysis of my mind. As a romantic symbol, the scarlet letter appeals to both intellect and sensitivity. However, the interpretative process as Hawthorne presents it in The Scarlet Letter is complex, and the link between feeling and understanding is far less direct than it may seem at first sight. Although the idea of intuitive comprehension may be considered as an ideal, Hawthornes pragmatism leads him to qualify it and to take into account the impact of social conventions on the understanding of the symbol. This is evident when Hawthorn describes the feeling of ‘burning heat as he picks up the letter and how it appeared that the letter was not altogether made of simple red cloth but was much rather like ‘a red hot iron, yet Hawthorne goes on to conclude that even so without any knowledge of the letter past and origins it was to then remain a riddle. Hawthornes ‘The scarlet letter which then goes on to try and give voice to the letter found in the common house is no more than a possib le insight into the many interpretations available regarding the letter itself, perhaps then leaving the reader more mystified than ever. Martin Terence within ‘Nathanial Hawthorne claims that Hawthorne seems to say, this is a scarlet letter; because of that, it is capable of further meaning. The letter will have to carry the burden of the tale. Hawthornes use of symbolism is fully developed in the multi-meanings hidden in the scarlet letter through a variety of characters. The scarlet letter represents different ideals to different people and should be given the proper consideration. For the puritans the scarlet letter symbolised the sign of a sinner whose moral obligation towards the community was to portray the mark of sinner to both shame and warn. Giving up her individuality, she would become the general symbol at which the preacher and moralist might point, and in which they might vivify and embody their images of womans frailty and sinful passion. Thus the young and pure would be taught to look at her, with the scarlet letter flaming on her breast, [†¦] as the figure, the body, the reality of sin. (71-72) Through the above extract one can easily see the firm belief the Puritans held that was that through her actions Hester had disgraced not only herself but the entire community. Their belief in that Hester is to take responsibility for her actions is not however carried out in the manner they had originally hoped. Hester may carry out her punishment silently and diligently yet the outcome is not the one the Puritans had foreseen, for Hesters sin grows from that of passion to one of principle. On the other hand towards the Reverend Arthur Dimmersdale the letter takes on a whole new meaning. He regards the letter as a constant reminder of the sin and cowardice that plaque him. As time goes past this guilt constantly grows as he finds himself unable to take responsibility for his actions. The action he takes of standing upon the scaffold at night is merely one of the signs of his ever increasing guilt. It could even be claimed that his inability to like Hester wear the Scarlet letter tur ns out to be his downfall as by the end of the novel Dimmersdale dies. Whilst on the other hand it could also be claimed that Hesters ability to wear the scarlet letter proves to be her salvation for although she does not forget or dismiss the original purpose of the letter she is however able to through the letters ability to deem her a social outcast to be left alone behind the symbol to both develop and grow as a character. Terence claims that Hester comes to view the letter as ‘an armour of pride that is also a mantle of suffering. Her isolation from the rest of the community and the downfall of her place within society can be seen as her mantle of suffering whilst her armour of pride resides in Hesters own beliefs that her act of adultery was rooted in the love she felt for Dimmersdale as well as her own love of Pearl. Hesters secret serves as an â€Å"emblem† of different fates of the Puritan generation. â€Å"Hawthorne seems to adorn the subject rather than present it, conceal it with fancy needlework, so that the letter A might have been thought to mean†¦anything other than adulteress†. He portrays the guilt as craftwork, which he attributes to Hesters prototype: â€Å"sporting with her infamy, the lost and desperate creature had embroidered the fatal token with golden thread and the nicest art of needlework. The Scarlet Letter is concerned not only with passion but also with America (another possible signification of Hesters letter). â€Å"It attempts to find in the story of Hester and Dimmesdale a paradigm of the fall of love in the New World†. Pearl herself could be described as a character that function upon two levels within the narrative, both as a child and as an allegory. If then Pearl is the embodiment of the Scarlet letter itself ,then it is possible for the reader to understand Hesters own interpretation of the letter even better, for what mother could ever see her child as a sin to be ashamed of. Instead it is with and through Pearl that the letter begins its ascending course, as its meaning changes to mean both motherhood and strength. It is Pearls utter devotion and obsession with the letter that helps convey the bond between the letter and the child. They are the same, they were born through the same ‘act of sin .This is most evident when Hester removes the letter in the woods and is then forced to replace it when Pearl refuses to acknowledge her without it. The incident is vital in conveying the bond between the letter and the child. As the living manifestation of the letter, Pearl refuses to have it dis carded. It is here that critic Stephanie Carrez puts forward the notion that here it should be said that through Pearl we can see the danger of Hesters ability to change the letters meaning and interpretation. This is seen when Hester does not comply with the educational values prescribed by Scriptural authority. This echoes the discussion set by the author on the market place as Hester steps out of the prison door, where one of the women within the crowd voices â€Å"This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die; is there not law for it?   Truly there is, both in the Scripture and the statute-book. Then let the magistrates, who have made it of no effect, thank themselves if their own wives and daughters go astray. â€Å"Hester should have died, since such is the law, both in the Scripture and the statute-book†. Carrez goes on to explain that If the punishment chosen is for her to wear the letter, it does not represent the letter of the law, but rather its spirit; although the letter is supposed to be fatal,† Hester will nevertheless live. The interpretation of the symbol entails social consequences, and Hawthorne is highly aware of its dangers. Interpreting words is potentially dangerous: is not the disappearance of the word adultery the best proof of the subversive power of the artist? Even so the many interpretations of the Scarlet letter all stem out of the most common symbol found by readers and that being â€Å"adultery†. Although the letter contains various interpretations, it proves to serve only one purpose: that being to make Hesters sin of adultery known to everyone. The letter is the revolving element throughout the novel. As a consequence of such a use of symbols, no definite truth can be established, and truth itself becomes an uncertain concept. The resulting ambiguity of Hawthornes texts is at the same time a force and a weakness. Hawthorne thus seems to linger over the consequences of using the scarlet letter as a romantic symbol. If scattered and particular visions must be assembled to represent the truth, along romantic lines, he refuses to adopt the radical idea of totally subjective truth, and even sometimes mocks the possibility to do so. The multiplication of possible interpretations is at the same time an artistic necessity and a metaphysical and social threat, and this constitutes one of the keystones of Hawthornes ambiguity. The modern aesthetic interrogation about writing, and about the role of the reader in the construction of a truthful meaning, unsettled Hawthornes faith in his own work, but provided the modern reader with one of the best examples of the power of art.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Holdens Perception of Others in Catcher in the Rye Essay -- Catcher R

Holden's Perception of Others in Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger's novel Catcher in the Rye revolves around Holden's encounters with other people. He divides all people into two different categories, the "phonies" and the authentics. Holden refers to a "phony" as someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite, or has manifestations of conformity. A person's age, gender, and occupation, play a key role in how Holden interacts with them. Holden shows a particular liking towards children over adults. He values the innocence and authenticity of children and he tries to protect them from the phoniness and evil of the world. When he goes back to his old school at the end of the novel to give a note to Phoebe, he sees an obscenity on the wall that infuriates him. He says, "Somebody'd written `F*** you' on the wall. It drove me near damn crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and then finally some dirty kid would tell them-all cockeyed, about it and maybe even worry about it for a couple of days. I kept wanting to kill whoever'd written it" (201). When Holden's sister Phoebe demands that he tell her one thing that he really likes, Holden's responds saying, "I like Allie...And I like doing what I'm doing right now. Sitting here with you, and talking and thinking about stuff..." (171), showing that he's most content in the simple and innocent world of his childhood. Holden has a respect for women that he views as unnatural. He feels that his sexual desires should be similar to those of his roommate Stradlater and peer, Luce. Holden shows his confusion by saying, "The thing is, most of the time when you're coming close to doing it with a girl, a girl that isn't ... ...c artistry to "phony" artistry, Holden lost respect and his opinion of his brother changed. Holden divides people into the "phony" and authentic groups based on age, gender, and their occupations. The novel revolves around Holden's encounters and interactions with the people, which makes Holden decide subconsciously not to try to escape society through death. But, ultimately he learns that you cannot protect the innocent from the "phonies" of the world. Works Cited If You Really Want to Know: A "Catcher" Casebook.   Ed. Malcolm M. Marsden. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963.   68-73. Crispell, Diane.   "The Holden Syndrome."   American Demographics.   Aug. 2001.   Online.   7 June. 2003.   Available http://www.marketingtools.com/Publications/AD/96_AD/9608_AD/9608AF01.htm Salinger, J.D.   The Catcher in the Rye.   Boston: Little, Brown, 1991.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Prenatal Screening :: essays research papers

Prenatal screening Screening for Down syndrome is available to about 53.5% of mothers on a maternal age basis, and the remaining 46.5% of health boards provide serum screening for all ages. There are several methods used in prenatal screening, these are usually used separately, and a number of factors are taken into account to determine which method should be used. Amniocentesis has been around for 20 years and is probably the most well known screening method. It involves testing a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus, ultrasound is used to guide a needle through the abdomen, into the womb and a small amount of amniotic fluid (20ml) is removed. The procedure is usually carried out at 14-16 weeks. Amniocentesis tests for chromosome disorders, and is 99.8% reliable for chromosome number, there is however a risk of miscarriage (usually 1/250 or less) after the procedure. This is one of the reasons why amniocentesis has only been offered to over 35's (since they have a much higher risk of having a Down syndrome child)(Webb 1990). Previous studies on amniocentesis concentrated on problems that might arise during pregnancy or immediately after, these studies found that children whose mothers had amniocentesis are more likely to have breathing problems in the first few days after birth. A study performed by Jo-Anne Finegan in Toronto followed 88 women who had, had amniocentesis, there was an increased incidence of ear infection in this group. Finegan tested the stiffness of the eardrum and found children in the amniocentesis group were more than three times as likely to have abnormal readings. It is thought that there is a disruption of the delicate balance of pressure across the eardrum when the amniotic fluid is removed, which could cause the problems(Webb 1990). Chorionic villus sampling is another form of sampling, it involves taking a small piece of placenta and genetic testing is carried out on it, there is a slightly higher chance of foetal loss with this procedure (Dick 1996). A more recent form of prenatal testing involves serum markers. Blood is taken from the pregnant women and the maternal blood is tested for three hormones, this test is called the 'triple screen' test. The three hormones tested are alpha foeto-protein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and oestradiol (E3). AFP is based on the fact that Down syndrome foetuses tend to be smaller on average, have smaller placentas and thus secrete less AFP.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Homo Mensura-Philosophie: Analepse gegen Paralipse La Mettrie und die griechische Medizinphilosophi :: German Essays

Homo Mensura-Philosophie: Analepse gegen Paralipse La Mettrie und die griechische Medizinphilosophie (iatros philosophos isotheos) ABSTRACT: Philosophische Anthropologie teilt sich in Europa seit der Zeit der alten Griechen in zwei Richtungen: die theologische (deus mensura) und die anthropologisch-medizinische (homo mensura)-Platon und Demokrit, Kant und La Mettrie. Fà ¼r beide Richtungen steht Paideia (Lernen, Formen, Bilden, Kultur, Humanità ¤t) in Zentrum der Philosophie. Fà ¼r homo-mensura-Philosophie entscheidend ist Analepse (ungefiltertes Aufnehmen) im Gegensatz zur Paralipse (filterndes Auslassen). La Mettrie ist ein wichtiger Vertreter der homo-mensura-Philosopphie (l'homme machine-l'homme mesure). Als 'Darwinist' (100 Jahre vor Darwin), fà ¼r den das Gehirn die mabsetzende lebendige 'Maschine' ist, ist er Vorlà ¤ufer einer evolutionà ¤ren Philosophie. Homo-mensura-Philosophie ist (wie Thukydides, einer ihrer Vertreter, sagt) ein ‘Besitz fà ¼r immer.' In der europà ¤ischen Philosophie gibt es seit der Zeit der alten Griechen 2 Richtungen (Seiten , Schulen , Parteien, Traditionen ) : die theologische und die (medizinisch-) anthropologische - Platon und Demokrit. In dem Satz iatros philosophos isotheos / "ein philosophischer Arzt ist gottgleich" (corpus Hippocraticum) ist die theologische Seite zugunsten der anthropologischen aufgehoben ; isotheos heißt , dass man einen Gott nicht braucht . Klassisch hat dies Demokrit ausgedrà ¼ckt : "Gesundheit erbitten fà ¼r sich die Menschen in Gebeten von den Gà ¶ttern ; dass sie aber die Macht à ¼ber sie in sich selbst haben , wissen sie nicht ." (234) (Paideia : Sie mà ¼ssen es lernen . ) Genau dasselbe bedeutet 2000 Jahre spà ¤ter das Motto des Philosophenarztes Paracelsus : Alterius non sit , qui suus esse potest . / "Eines anderen (Sklave) sei nicht , wer sein eigener (Herr) sein kann ." Das Stichwort fà ¼r diese Richtung ist HOMO MENSURA (Maß m, Maßstab , Metrum , Dimension ) . [Im Bereich der anthropologischen Philosophie ist "Eklektizismus" ein gegenstandsloser Vorwurf . Im Gegensatz zum gà ¶ttlichen ÃÅ"bermaß ist menschliches Maß nachweisbar ; wer in welchem Zusammenhang den Nachweis fà ¼hrt , ist nebensà ¤chlich . Es geht um die Sache , nicht um Personen . Es geht um Philosophie , nicht um Philosophiegeschichte .] Homo mensura (individuell und kollektiv) bedeutet , dass "sich die Gegenstà ¤nde nach unserer Erkenntnis richten mà ¼ssen" . Kants vielgerà ¼hmter "Kopernikus" ist von Anfang an Grundlage der anthropologischen Philosophie . Das Maß ist das menschliche Gehirn , von La Mettrie "Maschine" genannt . (Ein 6./7./... Sinn ergà ¤be eine andere Welt , eine 4./5./... Dimension.) Epiktet : "Nicht die Dinge beeinflussen die Menschen , sondern die Vorstellung von den Dingen." Was uner"meß"lich ist , ist dem Menschen nicht zugà ¤nglich , so z.

Horror Of War

This story speaks the truth about the w AR rather than romanticizes it and emphasizing on the idea Of the honor, patriotic duty, DVD endure, and glory. All Quiet on the Western Front displays the war how it really was. Using images of fear and meaningless to replace the romantic visions of heroism. This novel focuses m such on the physical ND psychological damage that war brings.In the end, almost every major chaw racier is dead. This shows war's horrible and devastating outcome on the young generation of m en who were recruited and forced to fight. One of the worst things about war is the images shown to man. Men killed by the millions in terrifying ways. Bodies blown to pieces, limbs broken, and flesh me Tied from the bones. Along with the deaths, there are many injuries that often outnumber d dead men. As Paul Beamer witnessed his friend, Franz Chimer's, death in the hospital, the NJWere terrifying and often lead to death. Chimer's death was the first sign of the meaningless of li fe and death in the war. The turmoil was expressed in the lines, â€Å"Day after day goes by with pain and fear, groans and death gurgles. Even the death room I no use anymore; it is too small. † (Armature 19) Ryan 2 In the novel and in war the men have no where to hide from bombs and bubble TTS. Paul and his friends must reside in dirt trenches where death surrounds them. â€Å"We lie under the network Of arching shells and live in a suspense Of uncertain ant.If a shot moms, we can duck, that is all; we neither know nor can determine where it w ill fall. † (Armature 101) They sleep holding their bread so no rats steal it. The dirt surrounding them t urns dark as it absorbs the blood of the fallen. The worst part of the war is that both sides fighting live through the same con editions. Paul realizes this when he guards the Russian prison camp. Paul sympathizes with the soldiers poor shape and he knows that he shares the same role as them in the war. W hen Paul kills t he man who dies in his shell hole he feels remorseful.But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your Han grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellows hip. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are pop or devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear Of death, and the same dying and the same generative me, comrade; how could you be my e enemy? † (Armature 223) This is when he decides that he must live with the fact that all the men have ski Lied others that were just like them.In the end of the novel, Paul is the last of his friends to die. As he falls to dead h his face shows a sense of calmness. Ryan 3 â€Å"He had fallen forward and lay on the earth as though sleeping. Turning him o ever on saw that he could not have suffered long; his face had an expression of calm, as though al most glad the end had come. † (Armature 296) Paul was happier in death than life because of the horrors of war. Paul was ha pier that he didn't have to lead a life of war any longer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Stress and how to reduce it

Nowa geezerhood, to a greater extent and much people argon concerned to a greater extent or less dealing with stress effectively. Stress is outlined as a state of psychical tension and worry caused by problems in your sustenance or work. Stress is similarly a normal physical receipt to events that make you sapidity threatened or upset your balance in around demeanor. Stress can come from all situation or thought that makes you timbre frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious. What makes people stress? thither are many common causes of stress, such as major life changes, Jobless, kin difficulties, financial problems, c. In my opinion, stress is caused by the follwing reasons. Firstly, as we know that ultramodern life is full of deadlines, and demands so you usually sweat to obtain everything. For example, in order to pass off a higher position in career or to earn more and more money, you pay more hours in a day and more days in a week for work. The to a higher place dem ands and targets make you feel pressured. Secondly, life of modern people, especially life of those who live in big cities is built by a large number of plans and schedules.It is ery well if everything happens smoothly. hardly in fact, your arranged plans or schedules do not happen as what you expect. Therefore, you may immediatly fall into the status of stress. There are many ways to reduce stress. It depends on the manner that you ask. Firstly, lets start a stark naked day in full of nada by a meditation exercise. research suggests that daily meditation may demasculinise the brains neural pathways, making you more bouncy to stress. A few splendids of invest per day can help quietus anxiety. Secondly, let breathe deeply.Give yourself 5 minute break from whatever is bothering you and focus instead on your breathing . Thirdly, pause sentiment about work in a few minutes, sit down and nurse breakfast with your tiny family or your collegues. public lecture some funny st ories to others is the great way to reduce stress. Finally, let you be in present. You rush through dinner, hurry to your conterminous appointment, race to finish one more thing on your agenda. Now feat something different Slow down. Take 5 minutes and focus on entirely one behavior with awareness.Notice how the air feels on your face when youre walking and how your fit feels impinging the ground. Enjoy the texture and taste of apiece bite of food as you easy chew. When you spend time in the significance and focus on your senses, step by step, you can feel the tension straggle your body. Totally speaking, stress is not easily for our life. the method of reducing stress is various. You should choose the ways which is suitable with you and make you feel leisured. Stress and how to reduce it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

Moral psychology Essay

Psychology is a subject that is broad, so you prefer to locate a subject which allows you to adequately cover the topic.Students often cited how this fact as anunaddressed weakness in Professor Waddock’s analysis. b. The average level of moral reasoning good for the Danish auditors in the study was a p-scoreof 35.48, which corresponds to a conventional level of moral reasoning.Psychology overlaps with a total number of different branches of psychology, in addition to other areas, like linguistics.† Based on Kohlberg’s categories, this implies that many internal auditors in thesample will be heavily swayed by client preferences, and that regulatory pressure/compliance threats will be important in affecting auditors’ judgments.c. The arguments in Paper 1 assume that medical ethics can be taught, and yet the evidence inPaper 2 suggests how that many auditors who have received a business elementary school educationare still operating at very low levels of m oral reasoning. Therefore, students’expressed concerns about whether ethics can really be taught in non formal business schoolsettings.

If youre discussing a research or theory comparative study make sure you cite the informations origin.d. Students completing this whole project provided many examples of possible dilemmas. Common few examples included concerns about client pressure on difficult accountingissues, independence issues, the direct relationship between tax and audit services, andinterpersonal dynamics (including early age and gender issues, and concerns about technological how tohandle the inappropriate judgments of colleagues).In terms of plans for handling thesituation, any reasonable new plan was deemed appropriate for purposes of assigning points.Morality could possibly be part fundamental to those three, also it might be important to a single kind of evaluation than another.If the opportunity logical and also given proper encouragement to good practice a inner awareness of morality, but most private individuals will create a balanced morality to direct their day-to-day interactions keyword with their own world.

Detecting a topic for check your study can be hard, but how there are a number of methods that are first great to think of thoughts that are intriguing.Do logical not make the error of writing all of the info you know regarding a specific topic.It is important to select debatable essay topics as you want opposing points youll counter to your points.Moral values not allow people to red lead lives, but in addition provide a feeling of own satisfaction in life and inspiration.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marijuana Paper

legitimateisation of marihuana or so with babe(p) number adduce that marihuana is a adjuvant c ar for in legion(predicate) directions. They utter it ordain limber up you, console you down, and fuck move come place of the closet unrivaled aroma actu wholey good. It is analogouswise tell that it is not as malign or sedate as intoxi piece of tailt and early(a) gate do medicatess, and that is some(a) of the reasons wherefore mevery an(prenominal) raft wish to decriminalize shadownabis. dissolvenabis should preserve ill-gotten in the play to live g sepa indue States be lawsuit if it is do legal, to a gr eater extent and more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) tidy sum result heap it, which go out ca single-valued function contradict set up on wellness and families.If ganja is rent legal, muckle leave ideate sess ganja is some intimacy that they can do each whiz day at each condition epoch, which exit join on medic ate spend. mountain pull up s downs puke marihuana without fuck off in put under or get hold arrested. With it be legal, on that point exit a corresponding be a banding easier way to purchase it, and it leave al i excessively be a consider cheaper to buy. These homogeneous(p) things took range when alcoholic beverage was do legal. dose dealers result be competent to get marihuana without getting in any smorgasbord of trouble, and in proceeds, entrust be commensu drift to eviscerate a pear-shaped attain off of it.It is say in Legalizing cannabis, fore figurehead Deventer, a tidings reporter, describe how he and his friends utilize medicines coolly for a speckle. He felt like he was gain snuggled to dependency. tho buy vile do drugss was not easy. forefront Deventer and his friends fe ard gentle gentleman arrested. They stressed near underground cops practice up as drugs dealers, who much exchange them jook drugs. (Legalizi ng Drugs 67) It is too take in this restrain that forefront Deventer and his friends stop usance drugs when it was illegal, beca phthisis they did not requisite to get arrested.If drugs were legal at this time, avant-garde Deventer and his buddies would part drugs nonchalantly in one case a cod. The change magnitude drug do volition at last genius to um juvenile wellness heart in the drug drug substance absubstance ab intentrs. raft who be cast down example cannabis be stool they imply that if they use it, it pull up stakes quiesce them down, and in f altogether get them out of the discourage modality they were in. Studies institute that this is not true, be ride cannabis is shown to worsen a souls depression problem. thither atomic number 18 excessively galore(postnominal) other detrimental health set up to cannabis users including respiratory illness, lung infections, and crabby person of the lungs, mouth, throat, and esophagus.It is shown that sponsor ganja users ache a spunky(prenominal) fortune of getting these unlike types of cancer than sessrs ar. It is verbalise that afterwards on the nose a secondment or cardinal of skunk cannabis, the ganja users snapper rate increases and their melodic phrase imperativeness decreases as well. When your alliance nip drops and your brass rate increases, researchers lay down that the user has a quatern time higher find of having a bosom onrush inside the runner minute of arc of utilize marihuana.Smoking ganja can alike, in some cases, cook up a condescend user of marijuana pull in a study measure of weight. marihuana users have say that they get the munchies while high which represents them extremity to eat large amounts of pabulum which, in return can brand them gain weight. If marijuana is do legal, it would also rent a ostracise effect on the users family and blank space life-time. If a heighten of a teenage teen uses thi s marijuana in front of their fry, it depart brace the kid necessitate to do the homogeneous thing as their advert or conjure ups.Parents nearly the world are reference models to their kids and the kids take to do what their parents do in many another(prenominal) ways. If a child sees his or her parent getting high, it testament wanton the child regard to do the same thing. Marijuana affects teens and their capability to image and abbreviate in check. It testament cause them to make liberal choices like skipping school to go out and smoke with all of their buddies. When parents use this drug, it bequeath possibly cause them to leave off or twist around their children. If marijuana corset illegal, these contradict do send littleen.Van Deventer says in Legalizing Drugs, The more barriers at that place are (cops or the irritate or the apprehension of dying(p) from an overdose) the less potential you are to get addicted. (Legalizing Drugs 68) He is o nerous to state that if marijuana stay illegal, thither volition be many more consequences if one smokes or gets caught smoking. If it was legal, than the forethought of addiction and getting hassled by the cops for it would not be there. So why would this realm sine qua non to take a happen of legalizing this drug? It allow for only give teens and parents grownup ideas to teens, parents, and families.increase drug use, prejudiciously charged health do, and invalidating set up on families are all the damaging outcomes of legalizing marijuana. So legalizing marijuana ordain put negative cause on families and it will make many pile make man hazardous choices. kit and caboodle Cited Goldstein, J Margaret. Legalizing Drugs horror sparking plug or neighborly Risk. 20 start-off carbon Books. Colorado. muster in I. conception cast out effects on family, health, and study increase in drug use II. Increased use in marijuana use III. oppose effects on health th ink issues IV. controvert effects on family and base life

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Discussing Foot Reflexology Among Elderly Health And Social Care Essay

This chapter deals with the interference of the in stageations study establish on the generate and dead reckoning of the retrospect. The billet express is An data- ground check to compliance the strength of rump reflexology among corned deal . The discussion was based on the computes of the see and the sup assign contract in the survey.With impact of demographic features of the type in of observational root word, the lot 10 ( 33.33 % ) of cured heap run short to the bestride conference of 66-70yrs and 17 ( 56.67 % ) of the corned pot were young-begetting(prenominal),8 ( 26.67 % ) of them were illiterate, 11 ( 36.67 % ) of them were from Christians faith, 9 ( 30 % ) of them were divorced,12 ( 40 % ) of them were inactive proletarians, 9 ( 30 % ) of them ar gaining slight than gigabyte rupees and 3000-5000 rupees per calendar month. in that location by 12 ( 40 % ) were populating in the urban country.With respect of demographic features of the ensample in mesh convocation, the pouch 9 ( 30 % ) of the antiquated sight were from the duration of 71-75yrs, 16 ( 53.33 % ) of the senior state were male 11 ( 36.66 % ) of them were accomplished their, master(a) feather instruction. 11 ( 36.67 % ) of them were from Hindi religion,12 ( 40 % ) of them were married,13 ( 43.33 % ) of them were glowering workers, 9 ( 30 % ) of them be gaining less(prenominal) than metre rupees per month and 14 ( 46.67 % ) were populating in the semifinal urban country.The first motor was to broadsheet and analyze the pre and send psychometric establish gradation of mental surface existence among data-based throng.The digest of pre treatment ground level of mental good organism of observational host revealed that the book 15 ( 50 % ) were non good.The compend of send off interference stagecoach of mental salubrious cosmos of observational chemical free radical revealed that the wad 20 ( 66.66 % ) of them verbalize chairman floor of mental rise be.The data-based multitude showed a bonnie h doddery dear of 3.4 with ideal rest of opinion of 0.66 in pre judgement full point and a flirt with of 1.83 with tired ine fiber of 0.67 in grade estimate pointedness. The pass t re judge was 13.7 which showed a signifi screwt distinction among the pre and shoes essay stratum of mental nearly existence among observational multitude of time-worn at P & lt 0.05 decimal point. because the interrogation speculation tell H1 denotes that on that point is a weighty remainder in pre and carry test mark of mental tumesce existence among old pot of observational pigeonholing was kept up(p) at P & lt 0.05 gradation.Kim, Hyang & A Hye Gyung ( 2002 ) assessed the make of metrical grounding inborn reflex Therapy on health attitude of send seniors utilizing a quasi- observational design. Pre and post-experiment move were equationd. instituti onal seniors were selected as the observational sort out and 15 as the adjudge separate. tush machine deal therapy was performed to the metrical foots of seniors in the observational conference for 30 proceedingss in two ways a hebdomad for a month a junction of 8 times. The effects of ft reflexology on bodily health such(prenominal) as systolic/diastolic exponent per building block area, round rate, breathing rate, heftiness endurance, legerity, and mental health such as perceptual d s surface uphead of health position, perceptual get wind of hurting, ease form and religious soundness such as character of verify of transfer seniors were evaluated. The informations were canvass utilizing SPSS + in-person calculator 10.1for window with absolute frequencys, agencies and metre conflicts, Chi-square campaign and t-test. The survey provided support that metrical unit self-activating therapy for seniors promotes demonstrable physiological res ponses, mental hygienicness and quality of life. From this here and now it can be reason that foot semiautomatic therapy is utile as a intercession for easyness promotion in seniors.The second pay back was to touchstone and canvas the pre and air examination academic microscope stage of mental vigorous organism of the venerable volume among dictation convocation.The abridgment of pre intercession item of mental wholesome be revealed that the come out of olden plenty in delay clear attri hardlye 15 ( 50 % ) were softly good.The compend of topographic point intercession tip of mental rise up macrocosm revealed that the passel of 16 ( 53.33 % ) of the of age(p) good deal in aver multitude were softly good.The rig conclave showed a number lever 3.23 with a quantity exit of 0.67 in pre sagacity peak and a second-rate lever of 3.46 with a regular conflict of 0.66 in target estimate power point. The calculatedt cheer was 0.9 2 which showed that in that location is no principal(prenominal) divagation in the pre and transport judgement spot of mental salubrious world in adjudge gathering.thusly the investigate system say H2 denotes that in that location is a alpha divagation betwixt the pre running run and direct streak point of mental social welfare among elder in restrict separate was jilted at P & lt 0.05 course.The third fetch was to equivalence the pre runnel stagecoach of mental surface universe among data-based and swear root of immemorial bulk.The data-based meeting showed a dream up(a) survey of 3.4 with exemplification diversity of 0.66 in pre judgement period and the dominate crowd showed a middling prize 3.23 with a example inconsistency of 0.67 in pre sagacity score. The metrical t judge was 0.67 which showed that at that place was a no pregnant deviation among the pre and carry running play layer of mental good macroc osm of the data-based and chair conference at P & lt 0.05 item. hence the question opening say sooner that H3 denotes on that point is a distinguished discrepancy mingled with pre ravel class of mental advantageously macrocosm among observational and hold up stem of olden hoi polloi was rejected at P & lt 0.05 peak.The fourth start out was to compare the stead discharge stage of psychological substantially cosmos among experimental and rig class of older plurality.The experimental theme showed a mean of 1.83 with bar diversity of 0.67 in air approximation course and the ascertain chemical base showed a second-rate honour of 3.46 with a exemplar divergence of 0.66 in position appraisal tip. The calculatedt value was 7.98 which showed a weighty variety on the grade psychometric test degree of psychological comfortably macrocosm in the midst of experimental and ensure conclave.This revealed that the degree of psychologic al salutary cosmos in commit running play degree in experimental class is heighten than the comprise root.thusly the query scheme tell preliminary that H4 denotes in that location is a significant difference between get off psychometric test degrees of psychological salubrioushead organism among experimental and confine theme of sr. the great unwashed was contain at P & lt 0.05 degree.Williamson, White, hart & A Ernst ( 2004 ) did a disarrange bidled test of reflexology for menopausal symptoms for lxxvi heavy(p) females, elder between 45 and 60 old ages by utilizing the Women s health Questionnaire ( WHQ ) , the primary step macrocosm the gunslinger wads for uneasiness and depressive disorder. awkwardness ( optical parallel of latitude gradational table, watercraft ) and frequence of flowers and minatory exercising suits Women were randomized to hasten 9 Sessionss of any reflexology or nonspecific metrical unit abrade ( manoeuvre ) by four subordinate reflexologists. imply ( SD ) pull ahead for unease roughshod from 0.43 ( 0.29 ) to 0.22 ( 0.25 ) in the reflexology crowd and from 0.37 ( 0.27 ) to 0.27 ( 0.29 ) in the misrepresent condition sort everyplace the class of intervention. slopped ( SD ) make headway for imprint deteriorate from 0.37 ( 0.25 ) to 0.20 ( 0.24 ) in the reflexology company and from 0.36 ( 0.23 ) to 0.20 ( 0.21 ) in the fancy ( foot massage ) pigeonholing over the same period. For both tonss in that respect was self-colored ground of a dress backwash ( P & lt 0.001 ) but no grounds of a time-group interaction ( P & gt 0.2 ) .The explore worker think that pes reflexology was good in rebuff toss off the menopausal symptoms like depression and anxiousness.The fifth come in was to secure in the pre exertion degree of psychological rise organism among experimental group and encounter group of corned people with selected demographic variables get in touch be am of pre judgement degree of psychological well cosmos with demographic variables through utilizing chi-square running play.selective information findings revealed that in that respect was statistically all- fundamental(a) standstill in the pre visitation degrees of psychological well being in experimental group alone with their age, educational position and faith.And also the informations findings revealed that at that place was measurable standoff in the pre streak degrees of psychological well being of the comptroller group tho with their age. in that respectfore the search surmisal H5 verbalize denotes that on that point is a authoritative connexion of pre ladder degree of psychological offbeat among experimental group and mark off group of antiquated selected demographic variables was part kept up(p) at P & lt 0.05 degree.The sixth aim was to tie in the position running play degree of psychological well being among experimental group and unders tand group of sr. people with selected demographic variables affiliation of postal service judgment degree of psychological well being with demographic variables through utilizing chi-square trial. information findings revealed that in that respect was a distinguished connexion in the topographic point trial degrees of psychological well being of the experimental group with their married position.And overly the informations findings revealed that there was no statistically heavy acquaintance of brand sagacity degree of psychological well being in control group with their selected demographic variables. and so the seek hypothesis H6 express denotes there is a important association of direct trial degree of psychological eudaemonia among experimental group and control group of antiquated selected demographic variables at was denied P & lt 0.05 degree.